It’s only day 2, and I’m thinking to myself. Naman, why did you do this.
Why, at 1 AM are you up ‘writing’
yet, on day 30, I’m curious to see what I write.
Today was not too good. It was a low energy day tbh.
Here are the few things I found:
Creative People work differently.
they usually don’t have a sense of progress or ‘formal’ work, and maybe that’s what empowers them to do what they do best.
I love structure, but creatives - they’re unstructured.
- Whenever you’re talking with creatives, talk feelings not logic. You know how to talk feelings, it’s just that that doesn’t seem ‘logical’ when it comes to work. But building a personal and emotional connection with the people you work with, can often lead to a lot of trust.
- You have to learn how to be more easy-going than just ‘corporate’
When in doubt, don’t take a nap
- Today I found myself sleeping just because I wasn’t ‘feeling it’. While this is an interesting way to let time pass, time is limited and there’s no reason why one should stop using their brain to find solutions to the hurdles in their life and concede to sleeping.
- So Naman, the key actionable here is the same as the realization.
- When in doubt, don’t take a nap. Think, solve and take action. Don’t run away or avoid things.
Complacency & sexual health.
- Now I know that this is my blog and this is public, and I’m not here to discuss rather personal topics. But I also believe that there’s nothing ‘taboo’ about this. We should talk about this much more openly, much more freely, it’s only natural.
- One thing I’ve understood is that atleast for men, your desire to do things and fight in the world is linked with some form of hormones, which get affected/changed with different experiences. Therefore it’s important to moderate these experiences not only for the sake of healthy moderation, but also as a balance of your drive and energy. Which is the actionable from this part too.