🪴 Oracle: My Digital Garden
Beautiful Passages
The extra in our ordinary lives.
Naman's book recommendations list
The art of loving - By Erich Fromm
Indulgence Tendancy vs Energy.excalidraw
Idea Buckets for IG
It's about the process
NFT Timeline video
Proof that the universe is happy
video idea - everyone is your kid
When has worriying ever helped you.
Experiment with excalidraw concept explainers on vertical one take OBS
I'm Naman - Script
Life Vlog on YT
Thoughts & Ideas Board
A zettlekasten within oracle
Whiteboard Day Planning.
A POST WebHook Endpoint
A whatsapp bot that reminds you of your fundamentals
Build a tag suggestion system and a system for tags and folders
ClipLibra Editor Interface
creator wiki pages
Floating Focus Sticky Note Transparent Laptop
Merged - Self Talk Bot - Veritas
Million Dollar Weekend - Ideas
moments app
Positive Sum - Video Edition
Python + GPT Vision Scraper
remote pc
Smart consumption
Startup App
stranger portal
Whatsapp reminders app.
YouTube Automated uploads
Workflows for Editors to make their job efficient.
Meeting Recording Integration
Positive Sum Foundation
Get out of bed
If it's not simple enough, you don't understand it yet
life should be an expression of your happiness, not the pursuit of it.
Receive like a child, give like an old man
Separate the message from the messenger
The less you own, the more you have.
The more you know yourself, the more you know everyone else
The world changes when you change how you look at it
What you seek, is seeking you
When death finds me, may it find me alive
You can't change anyone, you can love everyone.
Strangers who turned friends
Binodan - Blue Tokai Galleria
Doctor Vatsal
Things that make me happy
Lalbagh and this moment.
About Awareness
Attach people to the purpose
Building Systems SOP
Digital Life Roles and Responsibilities
Matrix Reflection Activity
Meditation in the night to clear the mind.
Nicheness and Building Community!
Personal Task Management
Physical Expression of Love - Reflections
Sat 0659 PM - Sep 28
Social Networks SOP
The amygdala hijack and why you need to document your learnings.
The tangible way to getting 1% better everyday!
What it means to be a man.
What it means to be a seeker.
Why does this garden even exist
All that you love is inside you.
Appreciation for the world
Be obsessed.
Be one with everyone. You are everyone
Don't play games with yourself
Get out of your own head.
Hell yes or no
I made it, I wake up to love
I wanna love everything the universe throws at me.
Learn from everyone around you
Live to serve
Most thinking is overthinking
Needy-ness is not worth it.
Never speak or think bad
Play the game
Pride comes before
Protect your vibe.
The illusion of urgency.
There is love in every moment.
We can't keep crying bro
What crazier would it be to wake up everyday and be one with the universe
Why I need to wake up in the morning and sleep on time
A new Dictionary
About Life Docs
Anti Goals
Be a go happy lucky golden retriever!
For when you feel out of energy or stuck
List of failure restoration practices.
Money Usage Protocol
Need creative input within fixed time
Old doc - beliefs and axioms
The practice of spirituality
Why love yourself
If it's not simple enough, you don't understand it yet 2024-06-23 14.11.47.excalidraw
Money Usage Protocol 2024-06-14 07.36.33.excalidraw
Test Drawing 2024-06-12 07.45.21.excalidraw
23 people
Artists are just peoples in infinite love
Awareness of how your emotions influence you.
Belief in god and yourself.
Children are immersed, not lost
Clarity helps people a lot.
Content Philiosophy
Cry a little when you feel like it - don't hold back
Dancing Music Festivals
Distracted Unaware
Do you believe that god exists
Does being in the moment lead to bad decisions
Don't sell yourself out naman.
Don't try to change people
Emotions and feelings
Estatic Dancing
Fridays for reflection and ideation
Giving gives you the high that taking never could
God is everywhere, because god is everything
God is not above you
Happy toh rhe hi lenge
It's not you, it's the system
Kabir inspires me to be exceptional
Kalyug huh
Love languages and Identity
Naman believes in people
On curiosity.
Only you can love yourself
Resistance in changing identities
Sat 0439 PM - Sep 28
Sat 1047 PM - Aug 17
Sat 1053 PM - Aug 17
Scrolling social media unintentionally has never ended well
Send messages to your future
Smart people serve other smarter people
Smiling wide is a shortcut to 'love mode'
Spirituality got some things right
Spirituality is a practice, it's not a thing you have. It's a daily art
Stop extrapolating bad days
The future doesn't exist
The future is never in your control
The power of focus
The real second brain
The universe has a curriculum
The whole problem starts with 'I'
Thinking about marketing funnels is fun!
Thu 1034 AM - Aug 22
Todolists and accountability
Too much excitement in teams - good or bad
Universe is dancing and singing, like the music notes that go up and down
What deep story are you telling yourself that's not serving you.
What if we become easier to please
When is it okay to want something, from someone
Work Chaos
Your biggest pursuit in your twenties
Your duty towards friends
Brand CrazyxNaman
Video Scripts
be a 2 year old again.
Notes & Reflections
About CaptureX
Build Log
Builder's Journal
Kabbbie LinkedIn
Post Drafts and Learnings
17 Jun - Building a happy team
LIT posts
Kabbbie LinkedIn Board.excalidraw
Old Blog
30D Writing Challenge
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10 - Relationships with God.
Day 11
Day 12
Day 14
Day 15
The role of environment in routine.
20th Nov - Learnings from the day
The team is built over time
Small Wins
10000 steps in the start of the day!
A better mindset to adopt!
A letter to future me
A smol poem for you.
AI Accelerated
As long as you an I are here
Bring something positive into the world everyday.
Conversations with strangers
Cubbon Park xD
day 1
Day 8
Disney like love.
Don't take it personally
Edison Giga Stoic Chad
Every single day
F the world.
Girl people
Give give give!
Go hug a treeee
Have intensity in your action.
Hope is all we've got
I'm successful
If you're not doing good, the company won't either.
In Awe of the Dev Community
Just Smile!
Krishna and Sudama Relationships
Mon 0543 PM - Jan 01
Mon 1146 AM - Feb 12
Moving innnnn
Naman - the one who builds
Neha ki shaadi
Power of Belief
Priyesh is a crazy guy.
Schrodinger's Questions
Seek Discomfort.
Seize the day
Self Belief - omg
Shoot for the moon.
Support System
Telling Epaphra about notion
The Anxiety Dumping Pandemic
The love for making notes!
The world just needs a little more love
The world loves you.
This is who naman is
Today I did the impossible
Topping School is a double edged sword
We're gonna have an amazing life.
Why are we here
Why are you watching content.
Work Life Balance has been discovered internally.
XARC is Magic
your parents are your childern
Crazy, Always
Simple Date - Tags
Thank you letters to the universe
Cafes, rains and building things.
Gratitude, Morrie and Lessons
Thank you god
The power of smiling.
Today is a lovely day
Why life is a celebration
You show me otherwise.
Cafes to visit in bangalore.
My favourite food places in BLR
Date-ish Spots
Travelling for the last 6 months of 2024
Day 1 - 6 Months of travel starts
Day 2 - This experience is a test of my learnings
Day 3
Travelling for 6 months straight - a journal.
Documentation System Protocol
Folder Index
Positive Sum Foundation
Positive Sum Foundation
Nov 09, 2024
1 min read
A incubator for young folks to build whatever they want to!
Graph View
Positive Sum Foundation
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