Did you know that the word ‘estatic’ comes from here:

A word often used to describe such dancing is the telling term ‘ecstatic’. This comes from the Ancient Greek word ekstasis: ek (meaning ‘out’) and stasis (meaning ‘standing’), indicating a state in which we symbolically stand outside ourselves, separated from the dense, detailed and self-centred layers of our identities that we normally focus on and obsess over, and reconnect with something more primal and more necessary: our common human nature. Through a period of ecstatic dancing, we remember what it is like to belong, to be part of something larger than ourselves, to be indifferent to our own egos and to be reunited with humanity.

Source: Mind & Body by Alain de Botton :) A lovely read so far.

I love to think of life as a dance in itself. We’re a manifestation of the universe and the universe is just dancing through us.

We’re all just one, and we’re all just dancing.