Date of posting: 23 June, 2024


There was a time in your life

when you wanted to learn everything.

Remember being two. (removed - the video has footage to show the same)

You were so excited to learn how to walk

How to talk

How to poop

it was crazy!

and then something effed it up

maybe your parents, scoulding you for trying a new thing

or your teacher who hated you asking questions

if not that, definitely the system.

we all started as question marks in school

and ended up as full stops

what a waste.

But what if, tomorrow we woke up with a disease

one that made us forget all this

what if the baby us was in our body (removed - the line above conveys that point)

how would that day look like?

you’d go out, look around and be infinitely fascinated with everything you see

small things would make you happy

You’d try new things, you’d ask a million questions

It would be a good life.

So why not, wake up with that disease .

coz I know we all can, I know it’s right there, within us,

this person who is infinitely in love with life

bring them alive today.