“Why wait, you should start teaching now Naman!”

Is what Aishwarya told me this year, after I told her that teaching was my retirement plan.

So well, here we are.

After seeing Paras Chopra’s invertedpassion.com I’ve always wanted to curate my own notes and share my learnings with the world.

Plus, in the bigger plan of things, one of the core values that I always stand by is to share everything I know with the world, no filters.

Working with Ankur amplified and built confidence in me for this, for always playing the positive sum game.

So in a way, this page contributes to me getting the opportunity to publish and share with the world, everything I know, in an unfiltered way.

Maybe someday, writing from this page can be compiled into many more useful formats, but for now, this will be my place of curation and creation.

As the name suggests, this is like a garden for you to wander until you find a butterfly (or a thought) that you decide to follow or a flower (piece of writing) that inspires you.

I hope this adds value to you, Thanks for coming along!

Much love nmn.