So I was reading Rahul’s Book recently and it talked about anger and the amygdala hijack.
It’s a concept where in times of chaos, your brain instinctively responds with emotions and flight or fight responses, rather that responding with rationale.
This isn’t just a conscious fault, but rather also happens physiologically.
Now the reason I need to write about this and put it here is, because normally I would forget that I read anything like this - especially 2-3 months from now.
But this is definitely a topic I would like to research more about. This is definitely a topic I’m curious about and would like to explore further.
That’s why, it’s extremely important to document your learnings, to write down your thoughts and organise them - because only then can you work on them in the future.
We leave out so many learnings and realisations everyday just because we miss documenting them or giving them just 10 minutes of time to write about them.
In fact just the act of writing about something or making notes on it solidifies it in your mind much better. I’d encourage you to read how ‘active recall’ works.