Welcome kind stranger 🌻
This is my digital garden, a place on the internet for me to document and share everything I know and have learnt.
I have a feeling that this will become my real ‘second-brain’ and not the other obsidian vault I have, where I capture stuff. (why so?)
- List of failure restoration practices.
- A new Dictionary
- The practice of spirituality
- Why love yourself
Notes & Articles:
- Estatic Dancing
- Dancing Music Festivals
- It’s not you, it’s the system
- 23 people
- Belief in god and yourself.
- Giving gives you the high that taking never could
- Smiling wide is a shortcut to ‘love mode’
- Cry a little when you feel like it - don’t hold back
Thank you letters to the universe :)
- Skies!
- Do you believe that god exists
- Cafes, rains and building things.
- The power of smiling.
- Why life is a celebration
- You show me otherwise.
Beautiful Passages
- The less you own, the more you have.
- The world changes when you change how you look at it
- When death finds me, may it find me alive
Ongoing Projects & their documentation